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One-wire power transmission - fiction or reality?


One-wire power transmission - fiction or reality?In 1892 in London, and a year later in Philadelphia, a famous inventor, a Serb by nationality, Nikola Tesla demonstrated the transmission of electricity through a single wire.

How he did this remains a mystery. Some of his records have not yet been decrypted, another part has burned down.

The sensationalism of Tesla's experiments is obvious to any electrician: after all, for the current to go through the wires, they must be a closed loop. And then suddenly - one ungrounded wire!

But, I think, modern electricians will have to be even more surprised when they find out that a person is working in our country who also found a way to transfer electricity through one open wire. Engineer Stanislav Avramenko has been doing this for 15 years.

How is a phenomenal phenomenon that does not fit into the framework of generally accepted ideas? The figure shows one of the schemes of Avramenko.

It consists of a transformer T, a power line (wire) L, two on-board diodes D, a capacitor C and a spark gap R.

The transformer has a number of features, which so far (in order to maintain priority) will not be disclosed. Let's just say that he is similar to Tesla resonant transformer, in which the primary winding is supplied with voltage with a frequency equal to the resonant frequency of the secondary winding.

We connect the input (in the figure - bottom) terminals of the transformer to an AC voltage source. Since the other two of its outputs are not closed to each other (point 1 just hangs in the air), it seems that the current should not be observed in them.

However, a spark arises in the arrester - there is a breakdown of air by electric charges!

It can be continuous or discontinuous, repeated at intervals depending on the capacitance of the capacitor, the magnitude and frequency of the voltage applied to the transformer.

It turns out that a certain number of charges periodically accumulate on opposite sides of the arrester. But they can arrive there, apparently, only from point 3 through diodes rectifying the alternating current existing in line L.

Thus, a constant current pulsating in magnitude current circulates in the Avramenko plug (part of the circuit to the right of point 3).

A V voltmeter connected to the spark gap, at a frequency of about 3 kHz and a voltage of 60 V at the input of the transformer, shows 10-20 kV before the breakdown. An ammeter installed instead of it records a current of tens of microamps.

Power transmission through a single wire. “Superconductor” engineer Avramenko


Power transmission through a single wire. “Superconductor” engineer Avramenko

On this “miracles” with Avramenko’s fork do not end there. At resistances R1 = 2–5 MΩ and R2 = 2–100 MΩ (Fig. 2), strangenesses are observed in determining the power released at the latter.

By measuring (according to common practice) the current with a magnetoelectric ammeter A and the voltage with an electrostatic voltmeter V, multiplying the obtained values, we obtain a power much less than that determined by the exact calorimetric method from the heat release on the resistance R2. Meanwhile, according to all existing rules, they must match. There is no explanation here yet.

Complicating the circuit, the experimenters transmitted power equal to 1.3 kW along line A. This was confirmed by three brightly burning light bulbs, the total power of which was just the named value.

The experiment was conducted on July 5, 1990 in one of the laboratories of the Moscow Energy Institute. The power source was a machine generator with a frequency of 8 kHz. The length of the wire L was 2.75 m. It is interesting that it was not copper or aluminum, which is usually used to transfer electricity (their resistance is relatively small), but tungsten! And besides, with a diameter of 15 microns! That is, the electrical resistance of such a wire was much higher than the resistance of ordinary wires of the same length.

In theory, there should be large losses of electricity, and the wire should become hot and radiate heat. But this was not, while it is difficult to explain why, tungsten remained cold.

High officials with academic degrees, convinced of the reality of the experience, were simply stunned (however, they asked their names not to be called just in case).

And the most representative delegation got acquainted with the experiments of Avramenko in the summer of 1989.

It included the deputy minister of the Ministry of Energy, chiefs of commanders and other responsible scientific and administrative workers.

Since no one could give a intelligible theoretical explanation to the effects of Avramenko, the delegation limited itself to wishing him further success and dutifully retired. By the way, about the interest of state bodies in technical innovations: Avramenko filed the first application for an invention in January 1978, but still has not received a copyright certificate.

But with a careful look at the experiments of Avramenko, it becomes clear that these are not just experimental toys. Remember how much power was transmitted through the tungsten conductor, and it did not heat up! That is, the line seemed to have no resistance. So what was she - a “superconductor” at room temperature? There is nothing further to comment on - about practical significance.

There are, of course, theoretical assumptions that explain the results of experiments. Without going into details, we say that the effect can be associated with bias currents and resonance phenomena - the coincidence of the frequency of the voltage of the power source and the natural vibration frequencies of the atomic lattices of the conductor.

By the way, Faraday wrote about instantaneous currents in a single line in the 30s of the last century, and according to electrodynamics justified by Maxwell, the polarization current does not lead to the generation of Joule heat on the conductor - that is, the conductor does not resist it.

The time will come - a rigorous theory will be created, but for now, engineer Avramenko successfully tested the transmission of electricity through a single wire over 160 meters ...

Nikolay ZAEV

See also at

  • Single-wire power transmission
  • Quantum energy of background electrons 3.73 keV - Romil Avramenko
  • Why the frequency standard of 50 hertz is chosen in the electric power industry
  • What is Tesla Transformer
  • Wireless power transmission methods


    # 1 wrote: | [quote]


    In fact, diodes should be turned on in opposite directions. Here's the wrong scheme. It turns out that you have 2 barriers to the current path, but there should be one.


    # 2 wrote: | [quote]


    A certain German Gow Bau on one line also transmitted a microwave signal probably a century ago, an exponential transformer (funnel) at the input and output. The attenuation is less than in the most fatty PK75 by an order of magnitude. The condition line should be a line and not a curve, a broken line. On Wikipedia, the cat cried but a little bit was written about the Gow Baw line. What is there to patent if a German came up with.

    The only attenuation is highly dependent on the weather.


    # 3 wrote: aka | [quote]


    Easy to do at home. you need a high-frequency source of high voltage, in principle it’s enough, but you can add a couple of neodymium magnets to this.

    Yes, it’s written correctly about the diodes :) we connect the cathode with the anode together to the resonance line.


    # 4 wrote: | [quote]


    This is not superconductivity but a skin effect phenomenon. Enough to pass off your ignorance and lack of education for supposedly incredible scientific discoveries and something supernatural.


    # 5 wrote: | [quote]


    I can easily explain this phenomenon. But first, a few corrections: 1) in the diagram, one of the diodes should be expanded, otherwise it will not work; 2) the expression "energy transfer through one wire" is extremely unsuccessful, because no energy in this case is transmitted by wire.

    The burning of any light bulb is contrary to traditional ideas about the basic laws of physics. Not the laws themselves, but the ideas about them. Tesla understood this, and therefore was able to carry out his experiment. Any electrician knows that the current in the circuit does not change. A current is a stream of electrons. Therefore, the number of electrons entering and leaving the bulb is the same. And light radiation from a bulb is a type of matter. Where does one kind of matter in the form of light radiation come from if the other kind in the form of transmitted electrons does not change?

    The answer is as follows. An electric generator must be present in the circuit, otherwise the current will not go through the circuit. The rotation of the rotor of the generator is a kind of uneven movement. With this movement, the rotor deforms the structure of the surrounding physical vacuum and gives its energy to it. And when the electrons enter the filament of the lamp, they bombard the ions of the crystal lattice and cause them to vibrate intensively. Such oscillations are another kind of uneven movement and here the vacuum is again deformed. But now it’s not the ions that give energy to the physical vacuum, but the physical vacuum that gives the energy previously received from the generator in the form of light radiation. And electrons don’t give their energy anywhere, they serve only as tools for releasing energy from the physical vacuum.

    But the tool can be changed. Which did Nikola Tesla. He replaced the effect of electrons on the effect of an electromagnetic field. The field oscillates intensely in the conductor and causes the filament ions to vibrate. And then everything is as usual. For this reason, in this experiment, you can use at least rusty iron instead of copper, but the wire will not heat up: no energy is transmitted through it.


    # 6 wrote: Ernest | [quote]


    Thank you, the article is cool.

    A thin wire is obtained as a waveguide. Swings current in a remote circuit. Some people call this phenomenon a cold current, an unaccounted for component of electricity. It’s time to change the theory, not crutches.


    # 7 wrote: | [quote]


    There is nothing complicated, with increasing voltage, the resistance of matter decreases, superconductivity is quickly achieved, so the second conductor is the air that surrounds the conductor itself.


    # 8 wrote: Magomed | [quote]


    It turns out that polarization currents work.?


    # 9 wrote: Zhornic | [quote]


    The usual direct current or low frequency current is the real flow of charged particles. Electrons have to be torn away from atoms and physically forced (like water) to flow along a chain. We all remember that the speed of electrons is much lower than the speed of propagation of electric waves? Resistance to this flow (TOKU) in conductors is high - therefore, energy losses are high. Therefore, the highest possible energy electrons are used to transfer electricity - in order to ensure the highest possible efficiency with the same current and losses.

    Modern electrical engineering manipulates electricity like water in pipes. Microwave effects are considered as features, and not as a norm.

    If you don’t take electrons from orbit, then the losses will be much less, especially if you get into resonance ... But this will be a completely different electrical engineering and electronics.


    # 10 wrote: Kurzwell | [quote]


    First, Tesla came up with the transmission of electricity through a single wire, then a three-phase motor ... Well, you catch the idea;)


    # 11 wrote: V. Kishkintsev | [quote]


    It is time to eliminate the error with the inclusion of diodes.

    You can understand the principle of operation of the Avramenko plug only by recognizing that the carriers of electric current in the conductors are not electrons. and two types of electrostatic structures formed by two types of electric charges.

    So Avramenko’s plug requires recognition of the energy carriers proposed by the “Table of Deliberately Elementary Structures” - TZES and rejection of the theory of the standard model. V. Kishkintsev


    # 12 wrote: velina_618 | [quote]


    An electric motor is a lot of pieces of iron where many plates move relative to each other in a circle, loops from the wires of the plates are connected a lot between the plates, the distance is already a capacitor and the electromagnetic field is induced in the loops as a result of the discharge between the plates, this is already an arrester can be connected to the loops and magnets it’s already ... but an elstatic field is still created and it’s all a plate, and if there is another generator as a plate to this plate, then the capacitor has taken the discharger more powerful, and if the pyrochromic capacitor and more .... then the microlepton olya