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Programs for electricians: a brief overview of the most popular programs


Programs for electriciansAn electrician in the course of his professional activity very often has to perform many complex calculations of various parameters of electrical systems, depict electrical circuits, choose various equipment. This work is time consuming. There are many useful programs for electricians, which are designed to calculate various parameters, drawing circuits, etc.

The main goal of these programs is to greatly simplify the work of an electrician, minimizing the time spent on performing calculations or drawing diagrams, which is often faced by an electrical engineer. In this article, we will consider the most common programs for electricians.

Program "Electrician"

We begin the review of programs with the multifunctional program "Electric". The capabilities of this program are very wide. So, in this program you can:

- to calculate the power of the appliance according to the known value of a single or three-phase current, and vice versa, that is, knowing the electric power, it is possible to determine the current consumption of both a single-phase consumer and a three-phase consumer of electric energy;

- determine the rated current and power for a given section of the conductor, taking into account the laying method, as well as other conditions;

- produce calculation of short circuit currents;

- calculate the value of voltage losses in the network;

- according to the given parameters, determine the required cross section of the wire, cable (special cable);

- check the selected cable (wire) according to several criteria;

- calculate the ground loop.

The Electric program has an intuitive and convenient interface.

This program has many useful functions that are useful not only to the engineer, but also to the home master. For example, in this program, you can calculate the required amount of wire for wiring in the apartment.

In addition to the great functionality of this program, another advantage should be noted - it is absolutely free.

About how to work in the Electric program, see here:

The program "Mobile Electrician"

Nowadays, access to a computer is not always available, but a mobile phone is always with you. We bring to your attention another program for the electrician "Mobile Electrician". This program has many useful functions that will be indispensable for both a professional electrician and an ordinary home master.

Using the "Mobile Electrician" you can calculate the required cross section of a wire or cable, select the necessary protection device, calculate the rated current of a wire (cable) and much more. A huge advantage is that this program will always be at hand, and at the right time you can easily calculate the required parameter.

Compass Electric

Consider the following program - Compass Electric. This program is intended for the design of equipment and the further development of documentation in the electrical industry. This program greatly simplifies the process of creating documentation when designing various equipment, since most of the elements are generated automatically.

The program consists of two parts (modules): a circuit editor and a database. The circuit editor allows you to create several types of circuits, ranging from the circuit diagram to the layout of the elements. In this module there is also the possibility of creating specifications, various tables for a visual representation of how to connect certain circuit elements, lists of elements used in circuitry.

The database contains all the components that are used in the project. By default, this program module contains up to 6,000 different types of products and several hundred graphic symbols used in the design of various equipment (low-voltage installations, automated dispatch control systems, various automation devices and relay protection). In addition, the user has the opportunity to import his database of symbols, finished products, their characteristics and much more.

Another program similar in scale and capabilities to Compass-Electric is AutoCAD Electrical CAD System.

Compass Electric


The circuit is the main document of an electrician, which he is guided by when performing various works, both installation and repair. Currently, there are many programs with which you can draw diagrams. Consider the popular sPlan wiring program.

This program is distributed on a paid basis, but it costs its money. In this program, it is very convenient to create a circuit of any complexity. The program has a very convenient interface, so it does not take a lot of time to master it. This product is widely used by both students and professional electricians.


This program has installed a huge number of elements of electrical products. Therefore, it is suitable for depicting schemes for various purposes and types. In "sPlan" everyone will find for themselves the necessary elements for the image of a particular scheme. The student will easily depict the electrical circuit of the lathe, the engineer - a single-line diagram of the electrical network, and a professional electrician - a diagram of the electrical wiring of the apartment.

In this program, it is possible to indicate nominal data and other marks for each element of the electrical circuit. The process of creating a circuit in sPlan is quick and effortless: just select the required element and simply drag it to the circuit area.

In addition to the above advantages of this program, one more thing should be noted - the ability to print large formats on a conventional printer. That is, you can split a drawing in A1 format into several A4 sheets and glue them in the future. This is very convenient when it is not possible to print a large format.

Other train programs: Programs for drawing electrical circuits

An example of creating a circuit in a program sPlan:

The Beginnings of Electronics Program

Consider another program - "Beginning of Electronics", which will appeal to beginners electricians. This program is an electronic designer in which the processes that take place in electrical engineering are simulated. That is, you can create an electrical circuit of varying complexity, make measurements of electrical quantities. In general, everything that is performed in a real physical experiment. Only in this case you have an advantage: all the experiments performed in the program are virtual, therefore, they do not carry potential risks, such as, for example, conducting real experience in the laboratory.

The program "Beginnings of Electronics" will help to study the various laws of electrical engineering, the principles of the use of protective devices, as well as acquire practical skills in determining various quantities and studying various phenomena.

Other useful electronics programs: Computer technology in the service of a radio amateur

See also at

  • Programs for drawing electrical circuits
  • How to draw an electric lighter circuit in sPlan 7.0
  • Five free programs that make life easier for the designer
  • Computer technology in the service of a radio amateur
  • AutoCAD Electrical CAD System


    # 1 wrote: Oleg | [quote]


    I use AutoCAD to create schemes.This is the most convenient and versatile program, of course, if you work with it a little and gain experience. I have been using AutoCAD for more than 10 years, I tried other programs, the same Splan, but compared to AutoCAD this is still not the same.


    # 2 wrote: Lion | [quote]


    This article is useful, the Electric program is a convenient thing, practical for calculating and choosing equipment, I personally don’t like splan, I agree with the previous comment that auto-cad is somehow more familiar and convenient .. maybe progressive youth have a different view, but for AutoCAD in the first place.


    # 3 wrote: | [quote]


    An incorrectly oriented article, this is more for an electronic engineer, not an electrician.


    # 4 wrote: eel | [quote]


    Program for calculating electric lighting panels and drawing them in ACAD:


    # 5 wrote: Michael | [quote]


    For simple projects and schemes of course the internationally recognized AutoCAD. Serious things - AutoCAD electric or a project studio cs electric. Which allow you to conduct calculations and display directly on single-rulers.