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How to set a doorbell


The installation of a doorbell, buzzer or bell is almost the same.


How to set a doorbellMost doorbells are hammer type. When electricity is ringing - someone presses his button at the door - it activates an electromagnet that causes the hammer to hit the bell. But when the hammer moves in the direction of the ringer cup, it breaks the contact, which in turn breaks the power supply circuit of the electromagnet, and the hammer moves back, closing the contact again, and this process repeats while the button is pressed. This type of call can be powered by a battery or from a network through a transformer, which can be located inside the device or can be installed separately.


The buzzer works on the same principle as the hammer bell, only the hammer strikes the magnet itself, and not the bell cup.


A simple doorbell consists of two tubes or rods that are “tuned” to different notes. Between them is a solenoid with a spring-loaded core, which acts as the hammer described above. Most bells can work both on battery and through a transformer from the mains.

Call buttons

Pressing the ringer button closes the ringer power circuit. By its function, the ringer button is a switch that is controlled by holding it in the “on” position. Inside it are two contacts to which the network wires are connected. One of the contacts is spring-loaded and, touching the second contact when the button is pressed, closes the power circuit, and then when the button is released, the spring returns it back, breaking the circuit.

Illuminated ringer buttons include a miniature light bulb that helps you see the ringer in the dark. These buttons must be powered through the transformer from the mains, because although the light bulb consumes little power, it burns constantly and quickly discharges the battery. Luminous (phosphorescent) buttons glow at night without power consumption.

Wireless call buttons

In order not to have problems with wiring, you can use the wireless button, which with the help of radio signals activates the call itself.


The need to ensure the safety of houses, apartments and offices caused the emergence of various special devices. One of the most common security devices is an intercom. Such an apparatus is intended for transmitting an electronic signal from a call button to an intercom system that is installed indoors. The installation price of the intercom depends on the length of the cable lines, the complexity of their installation, as well as directly on the type and number of installed intercoms.

Batteries or transformer?

How to set a doorbellSome models of bells or bells have batteries inside the case, others have built-in transformers that reduce the mains voltage of 220 V (or 230 V) to small values ​​necessary for this type of electrical appliance. In many models, both power methods can be used. Most of them use two or four batteries with a voltage of 1.5 V, and some use one battery with a voltage of 4.5 V.

Commercially available transformers for doorbell circuitry typically have three pairs of 3, 5, and 8 V pins (contacts) that can be used in various types of bells. As a rule, 3 and 5 V are used in calls and buzzer, and 8 V is suitable for many bell variants.

However, some bell models require a higher voltage, and they need transformers with 4, 8, and 12 V outputs. The bell transformer must be designed so that the mains voltage cannot reach the low voltage windings.


Batteries, buttons and bells are connected by a two-core insulated “bell wire”. This thin wire is usually laid on the surface and fastened with small piercing brackets. The bell wire also connects the bell and button to a transformer.

Connect the double-insulated bell transformer to the junction box or ceiling socket of the lighting circuit with a hard wire with two insulated and one earth wires. Since grounding is not required for a double-insulated transformer, cut and insulate the “earth” core from the transformer side by bending it back. You can make a branch from the ring circuit with a wire with two insulated and earth wires with a cross section of 2.5 mm2 with a fuse of 5A, then lay a wire with two isolated and one earth wires with a cross section of 1 mm2 from the connecting device to the network terminals of the transformer. Another option is to lay a wire with two insulated and one “earth” conductors with a cross section of 1 mm2 directly from a free safety block for a 5-amp fuse in your shield.


The bell itself can be installed in any convenient place except those located above the heat sources. Usually the best place is the hall or hallway. Keep the call as short as possible, especially for calls with batteries. If the bell is powered by a transformer, then it is still expensive and long wiring that you will hardly like - so put the transformer where it is simpler and more economical.

Drill a hole in the door frame and through it release the ringing wire to the outside. Connect the conductors to the terminals of the ringer button and screw it over the hole. If the battery is in the bell housing, then there will be two terminals for connecting the other ends of the wire. Any conductor can be connected to any terminal. If the battery is separate, route the ring wire from the button to the ring. Separate the conductors, cut one of them, and connect each cut end to the bell terminal. Route the wire to the battery and connect it to the terminals.

Transformer Connection

When connecting to a transformer, do as described above, but connect the ring wire to those two of the three terminals of the transformer that provide a suitable voltage in this case. Some models of bells and bells require separate pieces of ringing wire - one from the button and one from the transformer. Fasten the wires to the terminals in the bell housing according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Read also on this topic:How to connect a doorbell

See also at

  • How to connect a doorbell
  • About children's pranks or how to protect a house bell from fire
  • Electric bell device
  • What is a buzzer and how does it work
  • How Mobile Cellular Communication Works and Works


    # 1 wrote: | [quote]


    Recently installed a wireless call. It seems to me that the wireless model of calls is more convenient to install. In this case, the problem with the wires immediately disappears. In addition, such a call can always be moved to another place. So to say, this option is perfect for those who do not want the extra hassle with wiring.