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How I replaced the wiring in Khrushchev


How I replaced the wiring in Khrushchev

August 3rd. I made a plan and diagram in advance, put and connected the meter in the corridor (it was stolen from the entrance), 2 automatic machines at 25A from it, called an electrician from the office and registered it. And what will happen next, they do not see FIG. I immediately connected the washing machine through a separate 16A machine. This is enough for me to power the tool, telly, refrigerator. Now you can proceed.

The first thing I did was to punch niches with distribution boxes with a puncher. The “heart” of the wiring is located in the corridor above the light switches in the toilet. From there rays come in the form of channels through ceilings and walls. Then I ran into the first trouble - I could not remove the wires from the channel going from the corridor to the toilet. The builders managed to bend the pipe of the channel by holding the wires. Tomorrow I will be ditching the ceiling to the toilet, because through it there is a through channel to the hall and the kitchen.

I also drilled 3 undergrowths in the reinforced concrete partition. Once ran into the reinforcement, lowered the nozzle 3cm lower and without problems. As a result - today I learned that the channels in the panels never go at right angles. If you do not redevelop, then it’s a light bulb, I’ll have to do on the kitchen bypass gate, where there will be a door from the hall. Also, when you work on walls adjacent to neighbors, do not ruin their wiring. As in action movies-100 times, think which wire to cut.

5th of August. Today is Saturday, so I did not conduct drilling and crushing work. I went to the construction market, because still not acquired sleeves for crimping. In special stores shrug, in the city they are not, and where you can get copper pipes, I can not imagine.

August 7. Today he worked only in the corridor. He made strobes in the wall at the installation site of the meter and switchboard. At the bottom, the strob made fastenings for cables. I drilled a socket for the switch near the outlet. There was a problem due to neighboring wires: my new cables did not climb into a narrow channel. I had to chop a separate strobe to the shield. Conclusion: neighboring wires in Khrushchev create problems when replacing wiring due to narrow channels.

August 9th. Today, I finally passed 2 cables from the corridor, through the toilet to the distribution boxes of the kitchen room. I drilled the kitchen under new sockets and switches. He drew wires through them, and HAVE LEARNED TO WORK WITH ALABAST. Out of ignorance, I kneaded 2kg in a bucket and managed to freeze only 1 socket. threw the rest. It’s good that it was not a 50-ruble-sized fugenfuler. Tomorrow I will be ditching the hall, it's about 12 meters away.

August 10. Today I connected the lighting group. He laid and froze the light switch cable in the hall in the freshly made strobes. I inserted the socket, mounted the switches. In junction boxes I connected the wires with 4 crimping sleeves. Before crimping, EMPTY IN THE CASES FILLED WITH CUTTING WIRES. After crimping, wrapped cotton with electrical tape and put on caps tightly. Tomorrow I go to work for 3 days. Then I will connect the "outlet" group. There are still not all wires held.

August 18th. Today, I finally ran the cable through the wall adjacent to the neighbor from the corridor distribution box to the outlet in the hall. To do this, removed the old wires from the channel. To one of them fastened a cable. In general, for this I advise you to purchase a cable in PVC insulation. I took a chance without. I hooked one cable core to the cable, squeezed out the rest so that they would cling and use the pull-push method, pulled the cable in the room by rushing from the corridor to the hall.

Now I just have to drill a plug from this socket to the left at the end wall (I did not have a corner apartment and sockets on this wall). After that I will put the socket outlets, and tomorrow I will proceed with the installation of the socket group in the distribution boxes.

August 27th. All! I - an unprofessional electrician, finally managed to change the wiring! No more tripping over extension wires! Further without emotions.Today I connected the wires in the junction boxes as always by crimping. Moreover, maybe this is my know-how, I did not cut the wire in the places of compression, but bent it with pliers and put it into the sleeve along with the connected wire. It turned out that the cable from the switchboard to the kitchen outlet goes as if whole.

I used almost completely Chinese crackers for 180r. I think for a 3-room apartment, if you take new ones, that's enough. Yesterday near the counter in the hallway immobilized cables in the strobes and today they are wearing a 3-line switchgear. I connected them, turned them on. First I checked the light, then I walked a voltmeter across all the outlets. Moreover, the voltage was also measured between the phase and the grounding contact, after which it connected consumers.

Now, as I promised, about the standard wiring diagram for the panel 1-room Khrushchev, with the application of additional sockets. I did not draw a socket in the toilet, too much. The wires go to sockets in deep blue, and the lights go in red. For those who will follow in my footsteps, the main thing is that the main factory cable channels from the corridor are indicated. on the walls to the sockets they go directly, without bends. That which goes outside the walls in floor slabs. The rest - you decide for yourself what to place.

Now about the costs. Originally on paper, they amounted to 2500 p. Of these, 1000-shield assembly, 800-wires, the rest - sockets, boxes and other things. As a result, the amount increased approx. 3 times. It included the purchase of a puncher, a grinder, an increase of 1.5 times the price of wires and, finally, my mistakes. For example, 2 imported sockets turned out to be superfluous - 2 wires with a cross section of 2.5 did not climb there, I had to spend it on ours, etc. But if you subtract the tool that was saved, then I am satisfied.


See also at

  • We conduct light on the balcony
  • How to connect a cooker hood to an electrical network
  • Armature for mounting sockets and switches
  • How to place outlets in living rooms
  • Tips of an experienced electrician - replacing and installing electrical wiring in an apartment


    # 1 wrote: | [quote]


    It is naive. Everything is much simpler. And jokes are not seen in the work. 7 days to do, too slow))))


    # 2 wrote: | [quote]


    I can finally be horrified! think up so many problems for yourself ...


    # 3 wrote: | [quote]


    Fine. I in the panel Khrushchev 2-room. sq. make redevelopment and repairs, the electrician immediately offered to change all the electrics. For the money, almost the same thing happened. In time faster. And the wiring is really not a right angle in panel tile. I saw it myself. Sockets and switches according to the euro standard are done ..


    # 4 wrote: | [quote]


    Ram. It’s unthinkable to invent anything more idiotic than to destroy the old ceilings in Khrushcheb.


    # 5 wrote: | [quote]


    I believe that during repairs, especially in old houses, everything needs to be changed right away, games with old wiring can result in fires or short circuits. In addition, now all devices with Euro outlets, and old ones with adapters, will create a large load on the house networks. In general, I think you need to immediately change the wiring.