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In what cases is a conventional air conditioner better than an inverter


Normal air conditioning or inverter? Which one to choose? It all depends on your needs. Although these units resemble each other in appearance, and their control panels are similar, however, there are significant functional differences.

It is these differences that make the inverter unit as a whole more productive, economical, and at the same time more expensive. But this does not mean at all that conventional (non-inverter) air conditioning is in demand only because of its cheapness. On the contrary, each type of air conditioner has its own, most appropriate and suitable application.

In what cases is a conventional air conditioner better than an inverter

Normal air conditioning runs in cycles

The inverter air conditioner is designed for continuous operation, while a conventional air conditioner is designed for cyclical operation. What does it mean for cyclic? This means that a conventional air conditioner, when turned on, immediately starts to give out full power until the room temperature set by the settings is reached.

Upon reaching this temperature, the air conditioner will stop cooling. Then he will wait until the air temperature in the room rises again to the permissible limit, and again begins to fully cool the air in the room. And so in cycles: cooling - turning off - cooling - turning off, etc.

Inverter air conditioner runs continuously

If you turn on the inverter air conditioner for the first time, it will first start operating at its full capacity until the required room temperature is reached. Further, the unit will only maintain the desired temperature in standby mode, and this maintenance will be carried out continuously, not in cycles, but constantly.

As if once having measured the heat capacity of the space of the room to be cooled, the air conditioner now knows what cooling power must be continuously supplied to maintain the air temperature set by the user. Electric power consumption in this mode is minimal (approximately 7% of the maximum for this air conditioner).

As you can see, the functional differences between inverter and non-inverter air conditioners are enormous. And at least as a result we have: a different noise level, differences in efficiency and a significant difference in price.

Inverter Split Air Conditioner

Inverter air conditioner cools evenly

It is clear that any air conditioner will be able to cool the air. But the inverter operates more uniformly, keeps the temperature constant, does not allow significant temperature jumps (as it can be with a conventional unit).

The economical mode of operation of the inverter air conditioner is also, of course, an essential criterion, although the payback, of course, will be long. But we do not get air conditioning for the sake of quick payback, but for our comfort ...

Choose an air conditioner for a bedroom, a hotel room, or for a room where the temperature must always be kept constant - take an inverter air conditioner. It provides minimal power consumption and low noise. The air temperature will be maintained with an accuracy of 1 degree.

An ordinary air conditioner will not be able to do this, it will work in cycles (during sleep it blows or does not blow - it’s not enough pleasant in this), and even with a temperature delta of more than 2 degrees. Estimate the value of two degrees on the example of your body temperature: how will you feel at body temperature 36? What about at a temperature of 38? That's what a 2 degree delta means.

Classic air conditioning reliably and quickly does its job

But if you choose an air conditioner for such a room, where the air temperature often rises sharply for some reason, and from time to time the air needs to be cooled urgently - here a powerful flow of cold from a conventional air conditioner will come in handy.

It can be in the kitchen, where they just cooked baked potatoes in the oven, cooked porridge on the stove, heated the soup in the microwave, immediately bakes bread and it costs to boil an electric kettle. A powerful air conditioner of great power is a must. If you put an inverter air conditioner here and turn it on right there, it will not cope with the dramatically changing air temperature in the kitchen. Until the temperature regime is established, there will be little sense.

A similar problem with inverter air conditioners will be observed in convenience stores, where more or less people go, more often, less often, doors open, close, etc. So, if the thermal background is often changeable, a normal unit will be more appropriate than an inverter . For one-time cooling, a regular air conditioner is exactly what you need.

Modern inverter air conditioner

Inverter air conditioning, in principle, you can bask in the winter

Inverter air conditioning in the winter will allow you to bask, even if the window is -25 degrees below zero. A conventional air conditioner will not be able to do this due to the fact that some of its components will simply freeze at a negative temperature during downtime between duty cycles. Therefore, it is better not to even turn on a conventional air conditioner during a frost outside a window, otherwise it may immediately fail. In fairness, we note that the inverter is generally not designed for heating, it is better to use electric heaters, for example,electric convectors.

Controversial issues of profitability and durability

We will now weigh the talk about the efficiency of inverter air conditioners. Of course, in standby mode, the inverter air conditioner consumes less average power from the mains. But any air conditioner will pay off in 15 years, no less. And does it make sense to even talk about the payback of the air conditioner?

The main advantage of the inverter air conditioner is the highest temperature comfort for the inhabitants of the premises, and not its cost. Although the inverter air conditioner costs 40 percent more expensive than an ordinary colleague.

Of course, working more slowly, the inverter air conditioner compressor consumes its life (operational) resource more slowly, this can, in principle, be called economical - it will last longer, it will not be necessary to buy a new one, it will not have to be repaired. A conventional air conditioner loads its compressor much more mercilessly than an inverter.

Here we note that inverter air conditioners are very sensitive to the quality of the supply voltage. Conventional air conditioners are less sensitive to power surges and power surges. If there is a problem with the food, it is better to choose a conventional air conditioner.

If the voltage in the network is always high-quality - you can put inverter. The fact is that according to statistics, 1% (not so many, but still) of inverter air conditioner users face a problem of damage, due to poor-quality power, an expensive board inside the air conditioner. Repair crashes more than one penny.

Ventilation and air conditioning for the apartment

The advantage of an inverter air conditioner

So, in general, the advantage is as follows: with a stable temperature background - the maintained air temperature will also be stable, which is comfortable for the occupants of the room and for things that require a constant and even storage temperature (for example, wine in the cellar).

The advantage of a simple air conditioner

It is effective when you need one-time cooling and at a cost less. Yes, and repair, in the event of a breakdown, will cost less than the inverter counterpart. A simple air conditioner is almost insensitive to the quality of the supply voltage inherent in outlets in our country.

The lack of inverter air conditioners in favor of the classic

The high price of quality models.If there is not enough money for an inverter air conditioner that can provide the proper temperature requirements, then it is better to purchase a high-quality but classic version that will give the desired temperature, although it will work cyclically and with a significant temperature delta. It costs a classic cheaper.

See also:How to adapt the air conditioner to work in winter

See also at

  • How to adapt the air conditioner to work in winter
  • About the features of installing air conditioners
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    # 1 wrote: Maksim | [quote]


    The inverter air conditioner can save up to 25% compared with traditional systems, since it constantly maintains the previously selected temperature + achieving better air distribution.