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What is electricity?


What is electricity?Despite the indisputable successes of the modern theory of electromagnetism, the creation on its basis of such areas as electrical engineering, radio engineering, electronics, there is no reason to consider this theory complete.

The main drawback of the existing theory of electromagnetism is the lack of model concepts, a lack of understanding of the essence of electrical processes; hence the practical impossibility of further development and improvement of the theory. And from the limitations of the theory, many applied difficulties also follow.

There are no grounds for believing the theory of electromagnetism to be the height of perfection. In fact, the theory has accumulated a number of omissions and direct paradoxes for which very unsatisfactory explanations have been invented, or there are no such explanations at all.

For example, how to explain that two mutually motionless identical charges, which are supposed to be repelled from each other according to the Coulomb law, are actually attracted if they move together a relatively long-abandoned source? But they are attracted, because now they are currents, and identical currents are attracted, and this has been experimentally proved.

Why is the electromagnetic field energy per unit length of the conductor with the current generating this magnetic field tending to infinity if the return conductor is moved away? Not the energy of the entire conductor, but precisely per unit length, say, one meter?

How to solve the problem of the propagation of electromagnetic waves emitted by a Hertz dipole (that is, a dipole with lumped parameters) placed in a semiconducting medium? Despite the trivial nature of the statement, the problem of the radiation of the Hertz dipole in a semiconducting medium was never solved by anyone, and attempts to solve it invariably failed. The solutions written in textbooks and reference books are compiled from two solutions on the basis of "common sense", but are not obtained at all as a strict solution. But having solved this problem, one could get many particular results: the radiation of a dipole in an ideal medium in the absence of active conductivity, the attenuation of a plane wave in a semiconductor at infinite distances from the dipole, and a number of others (separately, some of these problems are solved separately )

The limiting problems of the appearance of a magnetic field in a pulsating electric field and of the electric potential induced in a pulsating magnetic field on a single conductor and many others have not been solved. The methodology of electrodynamics is not always different sequence. For example, Maxwell's static postulate (Gauss theorem) placed in the textbooks of the theoretical foundations of electrodynamics in the statics section, after presenting it in a differential form, is already placed in the dynamics section, although the latter form of representation is no different in physical essence from the previous one. As a result, the delay in the value of the electric potential D is ignored when the charges q move inside the space covered by the surface S.

And what is the "vector potential"? Not a scalar potential - is it the work of moving a unit charge from infinity to a given point in space, namely, a vector one? What physical meaning does it have, besides the fact that it must satisfy certain mathematical conditions? Who can share this secret?

The above points, as well as some other considerations do not allow us to consider the development of the theory of electromagnetism, like any science, completely completed. However, its further evolution is possible only on the basis of a detailed qualitative examination of the processes occurring in electromagnetic phenomena.It is useful to recall that today and for many years we have been using the theory that John C. Maxwell presented in a final form in his famous Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, which was published in 1873.

Few people know that in this work Maxwell summarized his earlier works of 1855-1862. In his work, Maxwell draws on the experimental work of M. Faraday, published in the period from 1821 to 1856. (Faraday completely published his "Experimental Studies on Electricity and Magnetism" in 1859)., to the work of V. Thomson of the period 1848-1851, to the work of H. Helmholtz "On the Preservation of Power" of 1847, to the work of W. Rankin "Applied Mechanics" of 1850 and many others of the same time period. Maxwell never postulated anything, as some theorists like to fantasize now, all his conclusions were based on purely mechanical ideas about ether as an ideal inviscid and incompressible fluid, which Maxwell repeatedly writes in his writings. The reader can familiarize himself with part of Maxwell's works set forth in Russian in a translation by Z. A. Zeitlin (J. K. Maxwell. Elected works on electromagnetic field theory. M., GITTL, 1952, 687 pp.).

In the notes of L. Boltzmann to Maxwell's work "On the Faraday lines of force" (1898) it is noted:

“I could say that Maxwell’s followers in these equations probably didn’t change anything but letters. However, this would be too much. Of course, it should not be surprising that something could be added to these equations, but much more how little has been added to them. "

This was said in 1898. And that is completely true now, almost a hundred years later.

In fact, the theory of electromagnetism stopped in its development at the level of Maxwell, who used mechanical representations of the first half of the 19th century. Numerous textbooks on electrical engineering, electrodynamics and radio engineering that appeared in the twentieth century improve (or worsen?) The presentation, but do not change anything in essence. What is lacking in the theory of electromagnetism today? First of all, there is a lack of understanding that any model, including the electromagnetism model developed by Maxwell, is limited in nature, and therefore can and should be improved. There is a lack of understanding of the need to return to modeling and precisely to mechanical modeling of electromagnetism. Maxwell operated on the concepts of ether as ideal, i.e., inviscid and incompressible fluid. And the ether turned out to be gas, and gas, both viscous and compressible. This means that the ideas of G. Helmholtz used by Maxwell, for example, that vortices do not form and do not disappear, but only move and deform, that the product of circulation along the cross-sectional area of ​​the vortex remains constant throughout its length, are far from always true. In a real gas, vortices both form and disappear, and this is not taken into account by Maxwell. The Maxwell equations do not reflect the process in volume, since both the first and second Maxwell equations consider the process in the plane. True, then this plane rotates in the coordinate axes, which creates a three-dimensional effect, but in fact the essence does not change from this, the plane remains a plane. If the process was considered in volume, then it would be necessary to consider the change in the intensity of the vortex along its axis, then the processes of vortex formation and decay of the vortices would be covered to some extent. But this is precisely what is missing from Maxwell's equations. And therefore, those problems in which these questions arise, for example, the problem of the Hertz dipole in a semiconducting medium, cannot be fundamentally solved using the Maxwell equations.

Not taken into account by Maxwell is the fact of direct interaction of a conductor with a magnetic field at the moment the conductor intersects this field.The Faraday law, which is a direct consequence of the first Maxwell equation, in this sense is a descriptive, phenomenological law, a long-range law, since in it the field changes in one place, inside the circuit, and the result of this change is the EMF on the periphery of the circuit. And today, significant differences are already known between the calculations performed in accordance with the Faraday law and the results of direct measurements. The difference in some cases is not one or two percent, but several times!

This list can be continued if necessary.

What is electricity?

Least of all these reproaches can be attributed to J. K. Maxwell himself. Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism turned out to be so good that on its basis a number of the most important areas of modern science were created, a huge number of applied problems were solved, and generations of researchers were brought up. But these reproaches are true in relation to subsequent generations of scientists who imagined that everything was done by Maxwell, and did not further develop Maxwell’s teachings.

Without going into details, it can be noted that the use of notions of ether as a viscous compressible medium made it possible to clarify some representations of the theory of electromagnetism, in particular, to resolve some of the paradoxes listed above. Moving charges, for example, although they remain stationary relative to each other, move relative to the ether, and this is why a magnetic field arises, which begins to bring them together.

It turned out that in the near zone of the emitters, a longitudinal electric field arises in which ether vortices are still being formed. In such a field, the vector of electric tension is located not across the direction of energy movement, but along it. And only at a certain distance from the emitters as a result of the vector addition of such fields, a wave is formed in which the vector of electric tension is already perpendicular to the direction of energy propagation.

It turned out that due to the compressibility of the ether, the magnetic field can also be compressed, and this compression is quite noticeable even for fields created by currents in tenths of an ampere. An experimental verification of the total current law, which, as it turned out, has never been verified by anyone because of its obviousness and which directly follows from the second Maxwell equation, has shown that this law is precisely observed only at vanishingly low magnetic field intensities. Even in ordinary cases, the differences between the real field strengths and those calculated according to this law can be very large, which far exceeds the limits of possible measurement errors or neglecting edge effects.

It turned out to be possible to calculate the EMF arising on a conductor placed in a pulsating magnetic field, and experiments confirmed the correctness of these calculations.

It turned out to be possible to create the concept of "mutual induction of conductors," although in electrodynamics there is only the concept of "mutual induction of circuits." This made it possible to develop a methodology for creating reference interference in communication lines of aircraft avionics equipment, introduce it into the relevant GOST and successfully use it in the practice of ensuring noise immunity of airborne electrical communication lines. And before this did not work out ...

And this is just the beginning. The theory of electromagnetism is waiting for its Faraday and modern Maxwells. You cannot endlessly exploit the authority of the great, but long gone scientists. We must work ourselves.

See also at

  • Disadvantages of the generally accepted theory of electromagnetism
  • Secrets of Electromagnetism
  • The nature of magnetism (Kaganov M.I., Tsukernik V.M.)
  • Magnetism - From Thales to Maxwell
  • Biefeld-Brown effect and other electromagneto-gravitational effects
